
branchbob is an e-commerce platform that lets you create your own online store to sell your products.

branchbob is free of charge for you. All basic functions that are necessary for the smooth operation of an online store can be used free of charge. There are no one-time, monthly or transaction costs (for non-digital payments). However, we do offer additional services to help you grow your business. Certain of these services, such as booking an app, may be subject to a fee - but these are marked accordingly. Rest assured: there are no hidden costs waiting for you and branchbob will always strive to offer the best market price for additional services.

To make your store "Ready-to-Sell", you only need to follow 5 steps:

- Create your first product
- Create a payment method
- Add a delivery method
- Maintain your contact information for your customers
- Add legal pages

Basically, your store should have its own logo and a suitable favicon for the browser. In addition, a start page text is advantageous, in which you welcome your customers and provide other useful information regarding your store. This, together with the 5 steps, forms the foundation of your store. Once you are done with that, you should choose a suitable theme. In our Theme Store you will find a selection of different design templates that you can apply to your store and also edit. With some HTML & CSS knowledge you can even create your own design.

So that your products are appealing to your customers, the following things must be present:

- Title
- Price
- Pictures
- Features, e.g. technical data
- Short description (1-2 sentences)
- Long description (Detailed description of the product)

In addition, other data can be useful:
- Weight for shipping options
- Stock
- a category assignment
- Options and variants, e.g. products in different colors and sizes.

We offer the following payment methods:

- PayPal
- PayPal Express
- Amazon Pay
- Credit card payment (Stripe and PAYMILL)
- Cash on delivery
- Prepayment
- Invoice

No, with branchbob, every time you place an order, the corresponding invoice is automatically created for your customers.

No. You will get your own domain with the extension "" during registration. If you want to use your own domain, this is also possible.

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