
branchbob offers you all the basic functions to setup a successful store, completely free of charge. Finished Setup? Switch to our Premium model. We offer you many great features for a very low price.


Perfect for E-commerce beginners.

All Basic Features included like:

  • Up to 6 physical products

  • Up to 2 digital products

  • Free Subdomain

  • Customizable Design

  • Digital and Offline Payment Methods

  • Comprehensive Customer Management

  • Inventory Management

  • Automatic Invoicing

  • Multilingual and Multi-currency Support

  • Additional Pages

  • Automatic SEO Sitemap Creation

  • Up to 5 Product Images

  • Unlimited Shipping Methods

  • Automated Email Management

  • Product Options and Variants

  • Real-Time Sales Dashboard

  • FAQs and Customer Reviews

Best choice 🚀


€12.50 / month

Enhanced tools and additional features like:

  • All Free Plan Features

  • AI MagicNEW

  • Unlimited Physical Products

  • Unlimited Digital Products

  • Connect Your Own Domain

  • Automatic Inventory Management

  • Checkout on Your Own Domain

  • Promotions

  • Multi-Shops in One Account

  • Remove Powered by branchbob

  • Full Access to Theme Source Code

  • Google Shopping Feed

  • Buy Button

  • Related Products

  • Ad Creation

  • Tracking

  • Additional optimized Insta Store

  • Customizable Order Emails

  • Import and Export Orders, Products, and Customers

  • Insert Code Snippets

  • Staff Accounts

  • API Availability

  • Unlimited Product Images

  • Coupons